Print Marketing: 9 Things to Know Before You DIY
It’s an insta-response world, right?
We click an app, see a car on a map, it’s there in a snap.
That works for a lot of things. Woohoo!
What about when human expertise makes a difference?
Steve Jobs gave us 10,000 songs in our pockets with the iPod, then the tide turned when people realized how much music disappears in compressed mp3s heard through cheap plastic ear buds. Now we’re learning that deep, rich analog sound makes it well worth getting expert help on turntable selection.
Taking the time and consulting an expert makes a critical difference.
Print marketing helps a business stand out in a crowded digital world and, like analog music, it can take more care and thought. And, similarly, it’s worth it.
Here are 9 points to help you consider when to talk to a print expert versus pressing a few buttons for a DIY print job:
1. Important information could be missed.
How would the unknown person who designed that online interface know anything relevant to your situation?
2. An expert – and sometimes only an expert – might see a better way.
If your vision is restricted to a small interface, there’s a world of print media and direct mail benefits that you won’t see without an expert to show it to you.
3. Your print job shows who you are, so make sure you get it right.
What you send might be the only impression your business makes on some people—to them, it is your business. Make sure your business is associated with quality work.
4. That DIY print job might mean sending work out of town.
When you see the big picture, relationships with local businesses can help your business thrive.
5. Isn’t quality what’s needed?
If the quality falls short of what you need, what use is it to get it faster?
6. You could lose your focus.
Successful business people use accountants for their taxes for a reason. You can focus on your core business better by leaving the rest to the experts.
7. It’s not about how easy and fast it is on the first try—it’s about getting it right on the first try.
Online reviews show DIY online printing has problems and the jobs frequently have to be done again.
8. You get to work with a real person!
Long term solitary isolation is a form of torture. We need human contact to have fulfilling and successful lives.
9. It’s complicated.
Would you trust the diagnosis of a mysteriously sick family member to an online questionnaire? Doesn’t complexity warrant access to a live expert?
Everybody has easy access to digital so smart marketers are realizing that using print strategically is a great way to stand out. DIY solutions may seem cheap and easy, but mistakes made out of ignorance can be costly. Expert guidance assures quality and nets a better result.
Give us a call at 843.745.0001 or use this form and we’ll be happy to help.